You Must Be Born Again (“Nick at Night” revisited)

Nick at Night - revisited

“Ye Must be Born Again”

Did any of you follow Moody Bible Institute’s  113th annual Founder’s Week?  The theme of the week was “Holiness” and the last speaker of the event was Pastor Jim Cymbala of Brooklyn Tabernacle.  He powerfully emphasized that the Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be the most important priority of a Christian’s service.  As teachers, we should strive to make sure some aspect of the Gospel is presented each week.  Let’s take advantage of the time with our kids to clearly present the Gospel and magnify Jesus our LORD and God! “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily..” (Colossians 2:9)  Jude declares that we must “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints…” .  No other way…no other NAME whereby we may be saved…no other revelation!!! But that has not stopped “certain men (or women) from creeping in unnoticed to try and entice us and our kids away from the Truth. Pray for understanding and prepare your hearts by asking the Holy Spirit to convict and cleanse us from sin so we are suitable , holy vessels and His power can flow through us.  Please don’t wait until Saturday night to prepare your lesson…or even worse…Sunday morning!!!  He desires our best efforts, our best strength and devotion our best reflection and creativity.

Nick at Night

Nick at Night

The focus on this lesson is Nicodemus and his exposure to the glorious Gospel in John 3.  The figures should be cut out and glued on black card stock or construction paper.  Every child should memorize John 3:16 so have them write or print it on their papers. Optional: a small “prize” for knowing the verse correctly…even if it is just a simple page of gold or silver stars, would add to the experience.  To  further explore  this lesson see my previous post on 8/27/2011  “Nick at Night”.

Since the kids will be writing the verse on black paper, you will need to experiment to see what will show up.  Bright colors of gel pens work well, so do silver or gold.  If you only have a pencil…this will also work.  Also, there is no need to equip each child with their own as sharing is encouraged!