The LORD proclaims His Name

I get very excited thinking about this lesson. In Exodus 32, we read that  Moses has come down the mountain to find that the people have quickly turned aside from obeying the LORD as He had commanded .  The consequences are swift and dire. Now Moses waits upon the LORD to see if His presence is still going to accompany them on their journey to the promised land. Again we find Moses pleading with the LORD to be gracious to them , and Moses goes one bold step further and asks to see the Lord’s glory. In chapter 34  the LORD passes by before Moses, who was hidden in the cleft of the rock, covered by His hand, and the LORD proclaims His name which describes His character.  Behind each door is one of these traits… merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodness, abundant in truth, forgiving sins, transgressions and iniquities, and  a righteous judge  that will punish those who hate Him (implied ).

You can match your colors to whatever season you find yourself teaching this lesson in. The doors measure  1 1/4 in. by 2 1/2 in.  If  you prefer to teach using Yahweh for “The Name “, here is an alternative worksheet:

Not your Ten Suggestions


Can’t remember all ten commandments ?  Jesus downsized this list to just two when quizzed by the lawyer in Matthew 22 as to which  one was the greatest .  Our Savior replied that loving the Lord God and your neighbor as yourself , sums up all the Law and the Prophets. There was quite a bit of activity on the mountain of God that you can read in Exodus 19-20. We know that Moses was on the mountain for 40 days and nights receiving God’s ordained laws and plans for the tabernacle . This meeting was interrupted by the serious sinning going on down in the camp. Thanks to Moses’ intercession, the people were not  smoked on the spot !  The next lesson we will find out more about our Gracious and Longsuffering God. One technique that I use is the “Jacob’s ladder” . They will make your people tremble, and I use them on many project, especially where  I want to show fear… I just did not know how to explain it…but  for a demonstration go to “You – Tube” and check out “how to make a Jacob’s Ladder” uploaded by rostichery.  You will also need to  need to make a template for Mt. Sinai.

The Burning Bush

Burning Bush

Prince of Egypt for 40 years but having to flee after killing a man who was beating a fellow-Hebrew, Moses has been in Midian for 40 years , shepherding  for his father-in-law. He led the flock to the vicinity of Sinai, the mountain of God , where the  LORD appeared to  him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the bush  “…and he looked , and behold, the bush burned with fire yet was not consumed.”  God was getting ready to call Moses to be the mighty deliverer His  enslaved people had been praying for.  Read about it in Exodus 2.  Tissue paper makes really good flames…so you need yellows, oranges, and red flame-shaped pieces, pre-cut, and ready to glue with slightly diluted white glue and paintbrushes. Q-tips could work in a pinch.  Have the kids color the page before gluing the flames.

Burning Bush worksheet